Within the Spoonbill Working Group, it is possible to adopt one or more favorite spoonbills for a small fee. As long as this bird is observed, you will receive an overview of the life history of these adopted birds once a year. BBAN is one of my favorite spoonbills, and I adopted it some time ago.
BBAN (full name: B[AN]/aB[AN]) was ringed on June 5, 2001, at Boschplaat (2nd-Duintjes) on Terschelling. Between 2001 and 2022, BBAN was observed a total of 177 times, and below is a summary of the sightings:
In 2001, only one report after fledging, on August 9 on Ameland.
2002 and 2003: no sightings
After that we didn’t hear anything from BBAN for over 2 years until this bird was checked on January 17, 2004, in Senegal (Guembeul NP). This is a known phenomenon; young spoonbills often stay for at least 2 to 3 years in southern regions before returning to their breeding grounds.
Back on Terschelling from June 27 to July 25, 2004, observed 8 times.
The winter of 2005-2006 was spent again in West Africa, evidenced by a sighting on December 12, 2005, in Mauritania (Banc d’Arguin).
In 2006, BBAN was observed only once, on September 11 in Cantabria (Bahia de Santona).
In 2007, BBAN returned to Terschelling and was checked there between May 11 and August 20, 12 times. The winter of 2007-2008 was spent again in West Africa; checked on October 26, 2007, in Mauritania; Banc d’Arguin).
In 2008, BBAN was seen again on Terschelling from July 11 (Waterplak) and checked 6 times until July 18 on that island.
BBAN also returned to Terschelling in 2009. Checked 6 times from May 26 to September 9. During the southward migration, BBAN was checked on September 12 in Cantabria (Bahia de Santona). It is also noteworthy that BBAN briefly returned to the Netherlands on September 20 (Lauwersmeer). This is not common. Reason?
Back on Terschelling from May 25 to August 5 (checked 15 times).
Back on Terschelling from May 2 to September 4 (checked 18 times).
2012: no sightings
Only 2 checks on Terschelling; June 8 and August 5.
Back on Terschelling from June 11 to September 13 (checked 12 times).
Back on Terschelling from May 10 to July 1 (checked 4 times).
2016 and 2017: no sightings
Back on Terschelling from May 20 to September 14 (checked 11 times).
Back on Terschelling from July 19 to September 17 (checked 12 times). During the autumn migration, visited the Bay of the Somme (Marquanterre) on October 3.
Back on Terschelling from May 2 to September 4 (checked 18 times).
Back on Terschelling from June 28 to September 25 (checked 24 times). Then on September 27, BBAN briefly visited Texel (De Bol).
Back on Terschelling from July 27 to October 4 (checked 8 times).
And thereafter, no signs of life, so it is still uncertain whether BBAN is still alive.
From the above life description, it is once again clear how loyal spoonbills are to their breeding and wintering areas.
For those interested: It is still possible to adopt a spoonbill for a small fee (minimum € 15). You will then receive the life description of your adopted spoonbill annually in PDF format. For more info on adoption of spoonbills, read this page . .