Diving into spoonbill mortality: where and why…
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As part of the project Waakvogels, 27 juvenile and 7 adult spoonbills in have been equipped with a GPS-tracker during the past breeding season in different Wadden Sea colonies. In addition, in collaboration with Lowland Ecology Network, two adult spoonbills were GPS-tagged in the colony at the Bataviahaven near Lelystad.
Spoonbill pairs have a strict division of parental tasks
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In a recently published article, we show that the agenda of a female spoonbill during the breeding season looks very different from that of her partner, both in time and space. Read here about our most interesting findings and a link to the original article.
GPS tracked spoonbills on Texel
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In 2022, we equipped several spoonbills with a GPS-tracker, in collaboration with NIOZ and BirdEyes. Therefore we can obtain a better view of the areas and habitats that spoonbills use throughout the year. Read some interesting findings here!
Deze volwassen lepelaars vliegen rond met een zendertje!
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In de afgelopen weken hebben we zeven volwassen lepelaars uitgerust met een GPS-zender. De zenders registreren elke 10 minuten de locatie van de vogels. Daarnaast is een versnellingsmeter ingebouwd die de versnelling in drie richtingen meet. Hiermee kunnen we het gedrag van de vogel achterhalen en zelfs zien hoe vaak de lepelaars een prooi vangen.…
An ode to “WOR”, the oldest spoonbill ever (and still alive!)
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W/R (White/Red) was initially ringed as G110W/OR as a chick in 1992, on Texel. She lost her green ring with stripes (G110) already shortly after ringing, and therefore became known as “WOR” (W/OR).