• Wintering spoonbills on Schouwen-Duiveland 2024 and transmitter spoonbill Carex

    Overwinterende lepelaars op Schouwen-Duiveland 2024 en zenderlepelaar Carex

    By now it is no longer as conspicuous as it used to be, spoonbills in the Netherlands during the winter months. Nowadays, especially in the Delta area, there are places where groups of sometimes 50-70 birds can still be found at this time of year. For the most part, these are 1st year birds that may not have been fit enough to

  • Pucci, an enterprising young spoonbill looking for a future nesting site

    Pucci, een ondernemende jonge lepelaar op zoek naar een toekomstige broedplaats

    The 2024 breeding season of spoonbills on Schiermonnikoog has miraculously gone reasonably well. After an elevated tide on the night of April 19-20, which caused most spoonbills to lose their nests, fortunately many restarted, along with spoonbills that arrived later from their wintering grounds.

  • How did spoonbill Sinagote do?

    Hoe is het lepelaar Sinagote vergaan?

    Spoonbill Sinagote, which received its YfLY/aLY color rings on Vlieland in the Oude Huizenvallei in 2006 and a UVA bit transmitter on Schiermonnikoog in 2013, has “disappeared from the radar”. She bred in various colonies on Vlieland from 2014 to 2022: from 2014 to 2016 in the Oude Huizenvallei and from 2017 to 2022 in De Cranberryvallei.

  • The adventures of tracked spoonbills

    De avonturen van gezenderde lepelaars

    In 2023, the Spoonbill Working Group, in collaboration with the University of Groningen BirdEyes, local nature conservation organizations and the crews of the Asterias and Harder, provided 671 spoonbill chicks with a color ring.

  • Life story of my adopted spoonbill BBAN (2001-2022)

    Levensverhaal van mijn adoptie-lepelaar BBAN (2001-2022)

    Within the Spoonbill Working Group, it is possible to adopt one or more favorite spoonbills for a small fee. As long as this bird is observed, you will receive an overview of the life history of these adopted birds once a year.

  • An orange spoonbill!?

    Een oranje lepelaar!?

    Mariette Haagsma took these beautiful photos of an orange spoonbill at the Balgzandpolder bird observation screen on July 29th, 2023. Is it a different color variety? Is it due to iron-rich water? Could eating shrimps lead to such beautiful pink-orange spoonbills? We have no idea!

  • How's Sinagote?

    Hoe gaat het met Sinagote?

    Despite concerns among the Staatsbosbeheer nature managers on Vlieland, as was broadcasted by Omrop Fryslan, we still have hope that Sinagote will return.

  • Spoonbill from shelter RYf/RaG

    Lepelaar uit de opvang RYf/RaG

    The 2023 ringing season is over again in the Delta area. Limited access to the area, bird flu and threat of foxes made it exciting again this year. A review.

  • BSOR 29 - a beautiful elderly spoonbill

    BSOR 29 – een prachtige oude lepelaar

    On April 23, 2023 Keimpe Bleeker was able to photograph a very old spoonbill near Ferwert on the Frisian Wadden coast. It is an old acquaintance, ringed by Harry Horn on the Boschplaat of Terschelling on June 14, 1994, and he or she is still looking great.

  • Amie, Rumex en Lauwers zijn weer terug!

    Amie, Rumex en Lauwers zijn weer terug!

    Amie en Rumex zijn twee volwassen lepelaars die in 2022 op de kwelder van Schiermonnikoog een zender op hebben gekregen. Lauwers heeft al een zender op sinds 2016. Amie Amie was dit jaar al heel vroeg terug uit haar overwinteringsgebied, 13 maart op de kwelder van Schiermonnikoog. Na een geslaagd broedseizoen verliet ze vorig jaar…

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