• Spoonbill pairs have a strict division of parental tasks

    Lepelaarparen houden er een strikte taakverdeling op na

    In a recently published article, we show that the agenda of a female spoonbill during the breeding season looks very different from that of her partner, both in time and space. Read here about our most interesting findings and a link to the original article.

  • Spoonbills hunted by White-tailed Eagle

    Lepelaars bejaagd door zeearend

    On March 19, Wouter Vansteelant made a sighting of some spoonbills being hunted by a White-tailed Eagle. Here you can read what happened.

  • Spoonbills all year round in the Dutch Delta area

    Lepelaars jaarrond in het Deltagebied

    Nowadays it is possible to see spoonbills in the Delta area in every month of the year. That was quite different in the past. In the late 1980s, the population of spoonbills in the Netherlands was still recovering from the major blow inflicted by pesticides in the aquatic environment.

  • About power-lines and bird-rescue

    Hoogspanningsleidingen en de vogelopvang

    Recently, the Spoonbill Working Group received a question about the possibility of equipping a spoonbill, about to be released after a period of care in a bird rescue center, with a unique color ring combination.

  • How are the Schiermonnikoog spoonbills doing?

    Hoe vergaat het de lepelaars van Schiermonnikoog op dit moment?

    It has been a strange autumn as far as spoonbill migration is concerned. They stayed on Schiermonnikoog for a very long time, especially at the high-water refuges near the 1st and 4th mudflats, the Willemsduin and near the Reef.

  • Excited about migration

    Trek in trek

    Loud knocking on the door of the farm house on the Marais d’Orx, a lake near Bayonne in southwest France. Paul comes to warn us. It has stopped raining, the heavy clouds of that day have broken up and, unexpectedly, hundreds of spoonbills enter the airspace above the Maraix d’Orx, sometimes beautifully illuminated by the afternoon sun.

  • Migration


    The spoonbill migration is in full swing. On September 28, Kai (NDUP) makes a stopover in the Baarzandse Kreek near Breskens and then flies to Nolon, northeast of Rochefort. On October 8, Sven searches for and finds 4 transmitter spoonbills, Bob (YfaB/BLG), Amie (NfYp/aYR), Zilver (YfGR/RLa) and BWL7, in Stellendam, Haringvliet.

  • Foreign spoonbills on Schiermonnikoog

    Buitenlandse lepelaars op Schiermonnikoog

    Every year, spoonbills are color-ringed on Schiermonnikoog. The chicks that can almost fly are given a ring with their own color code. That means we can recognize them all individually. In the past, the chicks were given colored rings, but in recent years they have been given a white ring with letters and numbers on it.

  • Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe and spoonbills

    Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe en Lepelaars

    After many years of wrangling and procedures, the first water flowed into the Hedwige and Prosperpolder on October 25, 2022. To this end, a new sea-retaining dike has been constructed and the surrounding dikes have been lowered.

  • Spoonbills in the Dutch Delta-area in 2023

    Lepelaars in de Delta in 2023

    The 2023 ringing season is over again in the Delta area. Limited access to the area, bird flu and threat of foxes made it exciting again this year. A review.

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