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The biography of a spoonbill
This book tells the story of a spoonbill we have called Sinagote, a female bird born on the island of Vlieland, in the Netherlands. In her name she carries the words ‘Sina’, the Breton name of the village in Britanny she returns to every autumn, and ‘gote’ which means ‘girl from’. This story is about more spoonbills than just Sinagote. It’s even about much more than spoonbills and the connections between them. It’s also about the connections between countries in Europe and Africa, between the people who live and work there, who have an affection for spoonbills and work for their well-being. Part love story, part success story, Sinagote, the biography of a spoonbill describes the importance of looking beyond our national borders in the protection of migratory birds.

For sale now
You can order the Dutch version here

The book was translated to English, French and Spanish. These translations are available at Lynx editions Lynx editions.

The making of
Watch the video on the making of the book Sinagote here over het boek Sinagote.

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Werkgroep Lepelaar
Our goals
- carry out, promote, coordinate and/or financially enable fundamental and applied scientific research on the demography and ecology of the wild populations of the spoonbill Platalea leucorodia leucorodia and P. leucorodia balsaci and the little egret Egretta garzetta
- to encourage or enhance the protection of wild populations of the spoonbill and its habitats
- publishing and making research results accessible, including to the general public, and providing information on research, spoonbill biology and management and conservation measures for spoonbill populations and their habitats.